Thursday, July 25, 2019

Kollu Sundal - HorseGram Sundal Recipe

Kollu or HorseGram is a miracle pulse which has been widely cultivated and consumed in India since Ancient times. It is the most protein-rich lentil which is also rich in iron, calcium, anti-oxidants etc. We also know that it aids weight loss as it is low in fat. This pulse has more and more health benefits, at the same time it tends to increase the heat in the body. So we need to balance it by taking in more fluids to cool down the system. Now, to the recipe. Spice powders are optional. I add them to have an enhanced flavor. Doing the tempering is also totally optional. I usually skip the tempering part and have it with just grated coconut.


Horsegram - 1/2 cup
Grated coconut - 2 or 3 tbsp (use generously)
Cumin powder - 1/2 tsp (optional)
Sambar powder - 1/4 tsp (optional)
Salt - as per taste
Hing - as needed


Oil - 1 tsp
Mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp
Urad dal - 1/2 tsp
Red chilly - as per need
Curry leaves - few


Soak Horsegram overnight. Wash it well couple of times and pressure cook with hing and salt for 1 whistle and simmer for 10-12 minutes.

I prefer it to be very soft, so I keep it simmered for almost 12 minutes. Once the pressure settles, open the lid, drain the water, it can be used for making kollu rasam, it tastes great.

Do the tempering and add to the cooked horsegram. Add grated coconut and mix well and your horsegram sundal is ready to be served.

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